

Our solutions within the SEO link building service

We provide a range of services related to building the most effective link profile: from in-depth market analysis to creating high-quality content and placing links on third-party resources.

Analysis of the niche and link profile of competitors

We study competitors and determine their methods of SEO link building service. We select the best solutions and promotion methods based on the experience of competitors.

Analysis of the link profile of your website

We evaluate your site in terms of the naturalness and effectiveness of the link profile and establish the dynamics of link growth.

Developing a strategy for getting links

We provide expert advice on how to attract natural links from various digital channels, taking into account the key business objectives.

Search and verification of trust sites

Our specialists form a database of trust sites that have a high level of search engine trust (TrustRank), are authoritative and relevant to business objectives.

Writing content with links

Our link building services company creates unique and optimized text content on different topics for each of the trust websites.

Placement of links

We publish optimized links that correspond to the topics of the donor sites’ pages and track user clicks on them.


Problems we solve with the link building services

With more than 6 years of hands-on experience with IT projects, our specialists can solve any problems related to website search optimization and building trust among the target audience.

Lack of recognition

the site was created recently and has not yet managed to gain popularity from the target audience. Developing a link building strategy can be an important process towards building a startup’s reputation.

Low authority

the company’s brand awareness is proper, but its blog is not popular and is not considered an expert blog. Our link building agency helps to add value to your content for your audience by posting articles on authoritative sources.

Decrease in traffic and conversion

there are negative dynamics of positions in the search results, due to which the site receives fewer leads. By placing links on the thematic platform, you can find new target customers.

Low product demand

the business offers standard products or services from the mass market. With the help of link building services, you can draw the attention of a wide audience to the company’s assortment.

High competition

the company provides services in a highly competitive industry, which complicates website promotion. Link building allows you to bring your site to the TOP by publishing content with links to various niche resources.


the costs allocated to SEO don’t pay off. If there are no results after months of promotion, then it's time to make changes to the strategy for attracting links or start crowd marketing.


What results you’ll get with us

We have access to advanced link building tools and IT industry analytics. Our link building seo company helps technology businesses find new opportunities and achieve key promotion goals.

Improving site visibility

The site takes leading positions in the search results (including for high-frequency queries) due to the increase in the number of sites linking to it.

Traffic growth

A web source that got into the TOP of the search results covers a wider audience, attracting additional traffic from both search and referral channels.

Attracting targeted leads

With backlinking services, i.e. placing thematic links on relevant sites, the company gains a new potential audience interested in its products and services.

Strengthening authority for the audience

The site expands its influence in the niche and increases customer loyalty by publishing the author’s content with links to the top information resources.

Increasing trust from search engines

By leading a client-oriented strategy and using white-label promotion methods, the site minimizes the risk of being hit by search filters.

Increasing profits

The website attracts new target visitors, which helps to expand the client base and allows you to sell more products and services.

Order an accurate traffic forecast for your website

Based on our experience, we will prepare a forecast for traffic, conversion and leads in your niche.

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    The stages of our seo link building process

    The effectiveness of external SEO by 70% depends on the correctness of the strategy that the link building company has chosen. We know how to take your IT business to the next level by consistently building a natural link profile.


    Competitor analysis

    We research the industry, compile a list of the closest competitors with a common semantic core, analyze the number of donors and links with distribution across pages, and calculate the promotion dynamics.



    After that, our specialists draw up a step-by-step promotion plan to prevent a sharp increase in the number of links and maintain the balance of anchor and non-anchor links. At this stage we also thinking over an anchor list for the next part of the link.


    Research and selection of the best sites for growth

    We create a directory of donor sites that meet the criteria: authority, relevance, trust from search engines, high user activity. During our backlink building services, we will coordinate the catalog with the customer.


    Negotiations with trust sites

    Our team contacts the selected donor sites and discusses the conditions for placing content on their pages. We agree on the price and requirements for materials.


    Working with content

    Experts write thematic articles for each site following the established requirements. We post ready-made materials with relevant links, providing a report on all actions performed.


    Track results

    Our specialists monitor the established links and analyze the results of link promotion in dynamics. We provide recommendations for further promotion.

    Confidence factors

    Why you should trust us

    Our team consists of various IT specialists with higher technical and mathematical education. We have all the necessary knowledge and skills to promote both experienced technology companies operating in highly competitive niches and startup businesses, as our team aims to provide the best link building service possible.

    Flexible communications

    We establish connections by hand between link builders and web publishers, thus building long-term relationships with reputable resources and top bloggers.

    Best prices for links

    Our SEO link building company has its own KPI indicators for the quantity, quality, and price of links, so we can afford to bargain with web publishers, negotiating the best conditions for our clients.

    Own database of authoritative sites

    Thanks to our own database of verified sites, formed over more than 6 years of work in the IT industry, we can quickly receive the necessary links without additional costs from the client.

    High responsibility

    For each project, a team is allocated, led by a senior specialist, who controls the entire process of placing links: from site research to writing and publishing relevant content.

    Monitoring and improvements

    We make sure that the links we have posted are not removed over time. If this happens, we contact the webmasters and renew the links at no additional cost to the client.

    KPI targeting

    We evaluate the effectiveness of our work in terms of benefits for the client’s business and take payment upon reaching key performance indicators (KPI).

    We’re proud of our productive long-lasting relationships with our clients


    Achievements of our clients

    Fireart Studio - IT outsourcing company

    Provides design development services for web projects, as well as software for both large enterprises and startups. The main office is based in Poland, 2 representative offices are also in the USA and Great Britain.


    • Increased conversions by 6 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 186%
    • 240 keywords in TOP10
    Read the case

    Kevuru Games — IT outsourcing company

    The company provides game development services and has been present on the market for over 10 years. The studio collaborates with world-famous gaming giants such as Disney, Epic Games, Electronic Arts, etc.


    • Increase in conversion 10 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 769%
    • 300 keywords in TOP10

    Diceus - IT outsourcing company

    The company specializes in software development for the financial, automotive, retail, logistics, and healthcare sectors.


    • Increased conversions by 3 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 220%
    • Growth of positions for keywords by 300%

    Proofy - SAAS product

    Real-time email verification service to improve digital marketing performance.


    • Growth of new users by 269% in 6 months
    • Traffic growth by 248%
    • 83 keywords in TOP 10
    Read the case

    Lets Exchange

    Lets Exchange is a multicurrency service for exchanging cryptocurrencies with floating and fixed rates.


    • Traffic growth by 130 times
    • Number of impressions in search engine is 3.37 million for 3 months
    Read the case

    iNew Homes

    iNewHomes is a marketplace for the sale, purchase, and rental of real estate in North America.


    • 550 keywords in TOP10
    • Traffic growth by 130 times
    Read the case


    What our clients say about us

    "One of the key criteria for our choice of Luxeo agency was knowledge and experience of w"[...]

    "One of the key criteria for our choice of Luxeo agency was knowledge and experience of working with large websites with hundreds of millions of pages, which is a completely different world and has varying degrees of complexity. SEO is a very important part of our customer acquisition strategy. We needed a complete re-optimization of all our website pages in search results, an upgrade of the SEO monitoring system, optimization of our crawling budget, and correction of international SEO errors. And that was just a starting point, plus we needed to do it all on a very small budget. During the first 3 months of working with Luxeo, we did a lot of work. Dmitry gave very valuable advice and attended our strategic sessions. We are very pleased with our cooperation with Dmitry and recommend Luxeo agency for SEO."

    Andrey Terenchev, Head of SEO, kiwi.com


    growth in new traffic users


    keys in TOP 10

    A complete re-optimization of the site pages, an upgrade of the SEO monitoring system, and correction of technical errors have been performed.

    "We worked with Dmitry and the Luxeo team on an SEO strategy for our website. The main go"[...]

    "We worked with Dmitry and the Luxeo team on an SEO strategy for our website. The main goal was to analyze and collect the semantic core for the site, optimize texts for landing pages, as well as technical optimization. Dmitry has a technical background and experience as a developer, so he understands very well how to build an SEO strategy to get leads in the IT field. This was very valuable to me, as Dmitry always shared relevant tips and tricks. Therefore, we have always found the best promotion solutions."

    Violetta Dec, applandeo.com


    traffic growth


    increase in leads

    Analysis and collection of the semantic core for the site, optimization of texts for landing pages, as well as technical optimization.

    "When we first met Luxeo. Team, we were surprised. They didn't sell their services to beg"[...]

    "When we first met Luxeo. Team, we were surprised. They didn't sell their services to begin with. They took the time and their resources to analyze our market and our business goals. They frankly said what was the right thing to do in our promotion, and what should be improved. We love this openness, flexibility, and high level of expertise. They also helped us allocate our budget efficiently and focus only on what matters. As a result, our organic traffic grew by 300% in 6 months. This is a significant result. We even limited our SEO activity because our business couldn't scale at the same rate. I want to thank you, Luxeo.Team, for taking us into a completely different world of communication and collaboration."

    Sergey, iNewHomes


    increase in traffic


    growth in leads

    The analysis and collection of SN, link building, technical optimization, internal site optimization, blog development were performed.

    More reviews

    All you need to know about SEO link building


    How much does it cost to order link building services?

    It isn’t easy to calculate in advance how much a linkbuilding agency will cost you — the cost is formed for each project individually based on the results of site analysis. As a rule, the price for link building depends on the following factors: the actual position of the site in the search engines, the specifics of the business and the subject of the content, the region of promotion, the type of external links, and the number of trust sites.

    Why do I need SEO link building service?

    The goal of link building is to increase the site's position in search engines and expand the reach of the audience by attracting backlinks from authoritative thematic resources. SEO link building company can be ordered both to promote a large company in a highly competitive environment and to build a startup's reputation.

    Are there any pitfalls in link building?

    Sometimes problems arise at the stage of negotiations with representatives of trust sites during the discussion of the conditions for placing links because each of the parties is interested in its own benefit. You can minimize financial risks and avoid failures if you order link building services from experienced specialists. The company must have its base of sites and established connections with web publishers — then the process of negotiations and the promotion itself will go smoothly.


    6 Burrows Court, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L3 6JZ


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