

Our solutions within the SEO audit services

We provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the resource, identifying problems, optimization, and indexing of pages, visual and textual content.

Technical SEO audit service

We do a comprehensive check of the technical condition of the site: search for errors in the code, analysis of the page load speed, the correct operation of the metadata module and feedback forms, the correctness of redirection settings, 404 and CNC.

On-page SEO audit

Our experts check for compliance with the requirements of search engines, make an assessment of the correct use of keywords, filling in metadata, internal linking parameters, micro-markup, and many other factors.

Link profile audit

The experts evaluates the quality of all external links pointing to the site and its individual pages. Our SEO audit agency carefully analyzes anchors of links, link donors, links from social networks, as well as the distribution of the link mass.

Content analysis

Studying the site's content in terms of uniqueness, usefulness for the target audience, relevance to trend queries, and compliance with business goals. Analysis of the query engine and target entry points. Identifying pages with duplicate content.


Problems we solve with website audit service

More than 90% of companies face difficulties in website development. The main reason for failure is an incorrectly built SEO strategy and a lack of understanding of search algorithms. Our clients solve common problems associated with online promotion by ordering an SEO audit service.

Frequent drops

Positions in the search results are constantly decreasing, which affects the traffic and recognition of the resource. An audit allows you to find errors made at the stage of website optimization for a specific search engine.

Lack of traffic

The site is unpopular with netizens, that’s why the company does not receive new customers and loses revenue. An audit helps to determine why the site has no visitors: because of its absence in the TOP of the search results or serious internal problems.

Low conversion

The resource attracts users, but they do not take targeted actions. With web analytics tools, you can track visitor activity on your site in real-time. This gives an understanding of which pages are more likely to leave and at what stages of the path to purchase customers leave.

Low-quality leads

Leads keep coming, but they are not aligned with the goals of the business. During SEO analysis, the main sources of traffic are determined, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about its relevance and value for the company.

Lack of recognition

The brand is unknown on the web, its audience doesn’t expand, and the business itself doesn’t scale. After analyzing external links and mentions, it is easier to draw up a promotion strategy on third-party resources: in the media and social networks.

Low profitability

The costs invested in promotion do not pay off. The results of a comprehensive SEO auditing service give a clear idea of ​​the feasibility of spending on SEO directions and allow you to plan your budget correctly.


What results do we provide

In the process of conducting an SEO audit service, we focus on the specific goals of the business. It helps us to assess the company’s potential and provide individual recommendations.

Error reporting

A detailed description of all the problems identified by us during the SEO audits services, indicating the weaknesses and risk areas of the project.

Instructions for error corrections

A set of measures to eliminate the problems described in the report, based on the key goals and needs of the business.

Recommendations for improving content

Suggestions from our IT experts to optimize page content to increase conversions.

Analytical report on competitors

A map of real and potential competitors in the commercial niche with a description of their SEO activities and the current state of the web resource.

Plan for implementing the best practices on the market

Tips for using competitor tactics to help them gain leadership positions.

Correction of the link building strategy

Making changes to the plan for obtaining high-quality backlinks, taking into account the priority channels of the company's promotion.

Order an accurate traffic forecast for your website

Based on our experience, we will prepare a forecast for traffic, conversion and leads in your niche.

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    We will contact you to clarify the details and prepare a personal audit


    The stages of SEO audit service

    We are focused on a deep study of the business, and therefore we use a multi-stage gradual approach to the analysis of the site and all its components.


    Competitor analysis

    We study the resources of the closest competitors from the TOP of the search results: strengths and weaknesses, technical condition, types of content, semantic core, link mass, and promotion strategy. We prepare recommendations to bypass competitors as soon as possible and with optimal resources.


    Link profile audit

    We analyze the link profile of your resource and competitors, find weaknesses and determine growth points, develop a unique link building strategy.


    On-page SEO audit

    We dive deeply into the client's business, study the values ​​of his target audience, analyze competitors and prepare comprehensive technical requirements that carry not only the technical component of optimization but also useful recommendations for compiling, relevant and useful content.


    Content audit

    We evaluate the quality of page titles, descriptions displayed in search results, keywords in tags, and inline titles. We analyze the content of the pages in terms of value for the target audience and compliance with search algorithms.

    Confidence factors

    Why you should trust us

    Large companies from all over the world, working in the IT industry, trust us with the promotion and SEO of business. As we practice an individual approach and guarantee a decent result at an affordable cost for website audit service.

    ROI targeting

    We have different models of cooperation, one of which is the focus on achieving the agreed KPIs. The client pays for the result - upon reaching the planned indicators agreed at an early stage.

    Expertise in IT niche

    Our experts specialize in specific IT niches. This allows you to apply relevant knowledge and skills within the framework of each project, taking into account its specifics.

    Unique experience

    SEO audit company consists of specialists with higher technical education who have extensive experience in highly competitive sectors of the IT industry.

    Transparent pricing

    Each of our clients knows the number of hours that will be allocated to his project, the cost of each hour of our specialists, and the cost of each link. Our website SEO audit services have no additional or hidden fees.

    High responsibility

    At the client's request, we are financially responsible for the implementation of the agreed KPIs with the corresponding bonuses and penalties.

    Constant interaction with the client

    During the work process, we notify the customer about the intermediate results, providing checklists of routine actions and reporting at the end of each two-week sprint.

    We’re proud of our productive long-lasting relationships with our clients


    Achievements of our clients

    Fireart Studio - IT outsourcing company

    Provides design development services for web projects, as well as software for both large enterprises and startups. The main office is based in Poland, 2 representative offices are also in the USA and Great Britain.


    • Increased conversions by 6 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 186%
    • 240 keywords in TOP10
    Read the case

    Kevuru Games — IT outsourcing company

    The company provides game development services and has been present on the market for over 10 years. The studio collaborates with world-famous gaming giants such as Disney, Epic Games, Electronic Arts, etc.


    • Increase in conversion 10 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 769%
    • 300 keywords in TOP10

    Diceus - IT outsourcing company

    The company specializes in software development for the financial, automotive, retail, logistics, and healthcare sectors.


    • Increased conversions by 3 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 220%
    • Growth of positions for keywords by 300%

    Proofy - SAAS product

    Real-time email verification service to improve digital marketing performance.


    • Growth of new users by 269% in 6 months
    • Traffic growth by 248%
    • 83 keywords in TOP 10
    Read the case

    Lets Exchange

    Lets Exchange is a multicurrency service for exchanging cryptocurrencies with floating and fixed rates.


    • Traffic growth by 130 times
    • Number of impressions in search engine is 3.37 million for 3 months
    Read the case

    iNew Homes

    iNewHomes is a marketplace for the sale, purchase, and rental of real estate in North America.


    • 550 keywords in TOP10
    • Traffic growth by 130 times
    Read the case


    What our clients say about us

    "One of the key criteria for our choice of Luxeo agency was knowledge and experience of w"[...]

    "One of the key criteria for our choice of Luxeo agency was knowledge and experience of working with large websites with hundreds of millions of pages, which is a completely different world and has varying degrees of complexity. SEO is a very important part of our customer acquisition strategy. We needed a complete re-optimization of all our website pages in search results, an upgrade of the SEO monitoring system, optimization of our crawling budget, and correction of international SEO errors. And that was just a starting point, plus we needed to do it all on a very small budget. During the first 3 months of working with Luxeo, we did a lot of work. Dmitry gave very valuable advice and attended our strategic sessions. We are very pleased with our cooperation with Dmitry and recommend Luxeo agency for SEO."

    Andrey Terenchev, Head of SEO, kiwi.com


    growth in new traffic users


    keys in TOP 10

    A complete re-optimization of the site pages, an upgrade of the SEO monitoring system, and correction of technical errors have been performed.

    "We worked with Dmitry and the Luxeo team on an SEO strategy for our website. The main go"[...]

    "We worked with Dmitry and the Luxeo team on an SEO strategy for our website. The main goal was to analyze and collect the semantic core for the site, optimize texts for landing pages, as well as technical optimization. Dmitry has a technical background and experience as a developer, so he understands very well how to build an SEO strategy to get leads in the IT field. This was very valuable to me, as Dmitry always shared relevant tips and tricks. Therefore, we have always found the best promotion solutions."

    Violetta Dec, applandeo.com


    traffic growth


    increase in leads

    Analysis and collection of the semantic core for the site, optimization of texts for landing pages, as well as technical optimization.

    "When we first met Luxeo. Team, we were surprised. They didn't sell their services to beg"[...]

    "When we first met Luxeo. Team, we were surprised. They didn't sell their services to begin with. They took the time and their resources to analyze our market and our business goals. They frankly said what was the right thing to do in our promotion, and what should be improved. We love this openness, flexibility, and high level of expertise. They also helped us allocate our budget efficiently and focus only on what matters. As a result, our organic traffic grew by 300% in 6 months. This is a significant result. We even limited our SEO activity because our business couldn't scale at the same rate. I want to thank you, Luxeo.Team, for taking us into a completely different world of communication and collaboration."

    Sergey, iNewHomes


    increase in traffic


    growth in leads

    The analysis and collection of SN, link building, technical optimization, internal site optimization, blog development were performed.

    More reviews

    All you need to know about SEO audit


    What is an SEO auditing service?

    SEO audit is a check of your web resource for internal problems (with content, structure, links, page addresses, loading speed, etc.) and compliance with search requirements. At the end of the website audit service, you are provided with a list of identified errors, eliminating which you can get into the TOP of search results and, ultimately, attract new visitors and increase sales.

    How long does a comprehensive SEO audit service take?

    A full SEO auditing service of the site, which you have decided to order from our company, is performed, as a rule, within 1-2 weeks. The timing may vary depending on the characteristics of the web project itself: business domain, subject matter, scale, amount of data, the number of channels through which the resource is being promoted, and other factors.

    What is the price of an SEO audit service?

    You can order an SEO auditing service of a site at different prices - it all depends on what requirements the business puts forward to the project and what results it seeks to achieve. We calculate the cost for each client personally after preliminary consultation, based on the agreed scope of work and the urgency of implementation.


    6 Burrows Court, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L3 6JZ


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