

Our solutions within SEO penalty removal services

Our Google penalty removal agency provides professional assistance in lifting various types of sanctions that may be imposed by search engines for the violation of the established rules and the use of ‘shadow’ promotion methods.

Penalty removal with link filters

We evaluate the link profile for spam in blogs and forums, links on affiliate pages, excessive SEO anchors. Our Google penalty service removes manually imposed sanctions from the search engine (including Penguin), caused by artificial build-up of external link mass.

Removal of text penalties

We analyze the text content of the resource from the point of view of uniqueness, optimization, value for the audience, the absence of duplicates and excessive advertising, and identify problems in micro-markup. We are developing an SEO penalty recovery strategy from Google's Panda filters.

Removal of sanctions due to hacker attacks

We conduct an audit of the technical condition of the site, identify security threats that can negatively affect traffic and ranking. Within our Google penalty removal services, we lift the sanctions imposed due to hacking and virus infection and offer ways to restore traffic and attendance.


Problems we solve with SEO penalty removal services

If your site falls under the search engine filter, you can find out about it in two ways: from a message from Google Search Console or after analyzing the results of website promotion. We are ready to help you with our penalty recovery services, the audit and the solution of problems that arise as a result of the imposition of sanctions.

Decrease in positions in search results

the site has lost its leadership positions and disappeared from the first page of search results. In this case, you should make sure that the reason is the imposition of sanctions. If so, take steps to optimize it for your search requirements. This will allow you to return the resource to the well-deserved TOP.

Decrease in search traffic

new users from search engines stopped moving to the site due to a decrease in its positions because of the sanctions. Only by removing them can you restore the previous attendance and attract a new audience.

Excluding a resource from the index

the resource cannot be found on Google. On the face — the loss of trust in search robots. Here, you definitely cannot do without professional help: our Google penalty recovery services can make the site again available to Google users.

Low positions on vital queries

the web resource and its pages are not promoted by simple queries consisting of the name of a company, brand, or trademark. If the reason is in the sanctions, it will not be possible to continue the promotion without lifting them.

Lack of recognition

target users do not visit the site and do not leave applications, which negatively affects the company's sales and profits. Filter hitting is one of the possible reasons for such failures. In this case, SEO penalty recovery will be the first step towards increasing the competitiveness of the digital business.

Low ROI on SEO

if SEO efforts are futile, and the costs are useless. Often the reason for the sanctions is in the , which search engines regard as manipulative. It is enough to adapt it to their requirements to make the promotion effective.


What results you’ll get with us

We provide the service of removing the site from the filters, even if the resource has been there for several years. Thanks to our impressive IT experience and a unique knowledge base, we can guarantee our clients worthy, measurable results.

Position recovery and traffic growth

The site returns to its previous positions, which, with proper further promotion, guarantees an increase in organic traffic by more than 2 times.

Resumption of indexing

The site is again displayed in the search results for key queries, including vital ones, which simplifies further promotion.

Stimulating attendance

The business gets new visitors and potential customers, which increases the likelihood of attracting targeted leads.

Increased trust from search engines

By improving the technical condition of the resource and providing a high-quality user experience, it prevents re-entering the filters.

Increased ROI

By eliminating the serious reasons for the site and improving the promotion strategy, the return on investment in SEO increases.

Ensuring competitiveness

By developing and implementing a promotion process in the face of unhealthy competition, the company becomes successful in the most profitable niches.

Order an accurate traffic forecast for your website

Based on our experience, we will prepare a forecast for traffic, conversion and leads in your niche.

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    We will contact you to clarify the details and prepare a personal audit


    The stages of Google penalty recovery process

    We carry out a full cycle of work: we determine what sanctions the site was subject to and why we develop a strategy to remove it from the filters and adapt the “problem” pages to the current requirements of Google.


    Comprehensive analysis

    Our team studies the current state of the site using web analytics tools and checks if it is really under sanctions. We determine the type of sanctions and identify internal and external reasons for falling under them.


    Strategy Development

    We draw up a step-by-step action process to remove the site from the ‘black list’ during our SEO penalty removal service. We provide recommendations for optimizing content and structure.


    Implementation of the strategy

    We consistently carry out the planned actions, reporting to the customer on all intermediate results.


    Track results

    We conduct an analysis comparing the results before and after the implementation of the strategy. We propose changes and prepare recommendations to prevent re-falling under the sanctions.


    Why you should trust us

    For more than 6 years, we have been helping small, and medium-tech businesses reach new heights in SEO promotion. The average duration of cooperation with each IT company reaches 2 years, which confirms our expertise in the segment.

    IT specialization

    All team members have higher technical education (some of them in mathematics) and experience working with projects from highly competitive niches, including SAAS, software development, implementation of AI and ML technologies, and blockchain.

    Customer orientation

    We not only find the reasons for project sanctions but also develop personal instructions and guides so that our client will never again find himself in such situations.

    Control of IT projects

    For each new IT project, we form an expert team supervised by senior specialists, which guarantees the quality of technical assignments.

    Unique knowledge base

    We have a broad analytical base and developments in the field of SEO forecasting. This allows our Google penalty removal agency to provide the best exit strategies for each project rather than using ready-made templates.

    Strategic approach

    Our professional IT specialists help remove the sanctions of search engines and also provide a complete development plan for each project with personal expert recommendations.

    Guaranteed efficiency

    We are interested in our work bringing measurable results to our clients, and therefore we enter into cooperation under a KPI agreement and take payment upon reaching the planned indicators.

    We’re proud of our productive long-lasting relationships with our clients


    Achievements of our clients

    Fireart Studio - IT outsourcing company

    Provides design development services for web projects, as well as software for both large enterprises and startups. The main office is based in Poland, 2 representative offices are also in the USA and Great Britain.


    • Increased conversions by 6 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 186%
    • 240 keywords in TOP10
    Read the case

    Kevuru Games

    The company provides game development services and has been present on the market for over 10 years. The studio collaborates with world-famous gaming giants such as Disney, Epic Games, Electronic Arts, etc.


    • Increase in conversion 10 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 769%
    • 300 keywords in TOP10

    Diceus - IT outsourcing company

    The company specializes in software development for the financial, automotive, retail, logistics, and healthcare sectors.


    • Increased conversions by 3 times in 1 year
    • Traffic growth by 220%
    • Growth of positions for keywords by 300%


    Real-time email verification service to improve digital marketing performance.


    • Growth of new users by 269% in 6 months
    • Traffic growth by 248%
    • 83 keywords in TOP 10
    Read the case

    Lets Exchange

    Lets Exchange is a multicurrency service for exchanging cryptocurrencies with floating and fixed rates.


    • Traffic growth by 130 times
    • Number of impressions in search engine is 3.37 million for 3 months
    Read the case

    iNew Homes

    iNewHomes is a marketplace for the sale, purchase, and rental of real estate in North America.


    • 550 keywords in TOP10
    • Traffic growth by 130 times
    Read the case


    What our clients say about us

    "One of the key criteria for our choice of Luxeo agency was knowledge and experience of w"[...]

    "One of the key criteria for our choice of Luxeo agency was knowledge and experience of working with large websites with hundreds of millions of pages, which is a completely different world and has varying degrees of complexity. SEO is a very important part of our customer acquisition strategy. We needed a complete re-optimization of all our website pages in search results, an upgrade of the SEO monitoring system, optimization of our crawling budget, and correction of international SEO errors. And that was just a starting point, plus we needed to do it all on a very small budget. During the first 3 months of working with Luxeo, we did a lot of work. Dmitry gave very valuable advice and attended our strategic sessions. We are very pleased with our cooperation with Dmitry and recommend Luxeo agency for SEO."

    Andrey Terenchev, Head of SEO, kiwi.com


    growth in new traffic users


    keys in TOP 10

    A complete re-optimization of the site pages, an upgrade of the SEO monitoring system, and correction of technical errors have been performed.

    "We worked with Dmitry and the Luxeo team on an SEO strategy for our website. The main go"[...]

    "We worked with Dmitry and the Luxeo team on an SEO strategy for our website. The main goal was to analyze and collect the semantic core for the site, optimize texts for landing pages, as well as technical optimization. Dmitry has a technical background and experience as a developer, so he understands very well how to build an SEO strategy to get leads in the IT field. This was very valuable to me, as Dmitry always shared relevant tips and tricks. Therefore, we have always found the best promotion solutions."

    Violetta Dec, applandeo.com


    traffic growth


    increase in leads

    Analysis and collection of the semantic core for the site, optimization of texts for landing pages, as well as technical optimization.

    "When we first met Luxeo. Team, we were surprised. They didn't sell their services to beg"[...]

    "When we first met Luxeo. Team, we were surprised. They didn't sell their services to begin with. They took the time and their resources to analyze our market and our business goals. They frankly said what was the right thing to do in our promotion, and what should be improved. We love this openness, flexibility, and high level of expertise. They also helped us allocate our budget efficiently and focus only on what matters. As a result, our organic traffic grew by 300% in 6 months. This is a significant result. We even limited our SEO activity because our business couldn't scale at the same rate. I want to thank you, Luxeo.Team, for taking us into a completely different world of communication and collaboration."

    Sergey, iNewHomes


    increase in traffic


    growth in leads

    The analysis and collection of SN, link building, technical optimization, internal site optimization, blog development were performed.

    More reviews

    All you need to know about search engine’s filters


    How are the types of search filters?

    Optimizers distinguish several types of Google search engine filters: ban — the site is completely excluded from search engines; selective sanctions — individual documents are no longer indexed; assimilation — the position of the site in the search results decreases.

    How much does Google penalty removal service cost?

    The price for removing a site from SEO penalty removal depends on many factors: the length of time the web resource is under sanctions, the current state of the site, and the number of problems that need to be solved. The exact cost is calculated on a preliminary consultation.

    What is Google's penalty in SEO?

    If sanctions were imposed on the site, it means that it does not meet the requirements put forward by search engines for web resources. Until all the problems that caused the resource to fall under the filters are eliminated, the company will not be able to continue SEO penalty recovery, get into the TOP of the search results, and become recognizable on the network.


    6 Burrows Court, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L3 6JZ


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