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The iGaming world is rapidly growing: according to Analysis Group, the number of jobs in this sector increases by 9.4% annually. This presents enormous opportunities for law firms specializing in gaming licenses and related services.

AA Lawrange is one of the leaders in this field. The firm approached us with the task of increasing online visibility and attracting more clients to their existing landing page and eventually to their new website. By utilizing SEO strategies, we achieved a 267-fold increase in monthly visitors and placed 120 key queries in the top 10 of the target niche.

Want to learn about the process and how we can help your law firm become a leader in the iGaming sector? Check out the summary of all the steps taken.

Who is our client?

Lawrange is an experienced law firm that has been providing comprehensive legal support to businesses in Ukraine, the EU, the US, and Asia for over 10 years. Their mission includes:

  • Guiding clients through bureaucratic labyrinths and legal procedures with maximum benefit.
  • Providing professional protection against government authorities.
  • Rapidly setting up companies in the required jurisdiction, including in the fields of online gambling and cryptocurrencies.

A niche

Legal and attorney services

Target regions

USA, Ukraine, EU, Asia


Comprehensive SEO promotion


Increase organic traffi, Boost the number of leads


August 2021 – January 2023

Moreover, Lawrange collaborates with major companies such as Microlife, WayForPay, and Payoneer.

Results of Productive Collaboration

The collaboration with Lawrange was a fruitful experience for Luxeo, where both parties demonstrated professionalism, determination, and a results-oriented approach. 

Despite the interesting challenges and inevitable difficulties, our coordinated work and clear vision of the common goal led to impressive results:

  1. Explosive growth in organic traffic: a 267-fold increase from 8 to 2,136 users per month.
  2. Entry into the top 10: over 120 key queries, with 25 in the top 1 position.
  3. Increase in Domain Rating (DR) by 6 times.

These achievements were made possible by a deep understanding of Lawrange’s business needs and the development of an SEO strategy tailored to the legal niche and iGaming theme.

Beginning of Collaboration with a Forward-Looking Approach

In the summer of 2019, the law firm Lawrange approached us with the task of significantly increasing Google search traffic and, consequently, leads from their landing page.

 After conducting a comprehensive technical audit of the existing landing page, we provided a detailed brief and recommendations for expanding the site’s structure based on our experience in legal website promotion.

In July 2021, Lawrange decided to create a new website on the WordPress CMS and once again turned to us for the promotion of this new resource. We will now detail the stages of this work and its results.

Stages of SEO Promotion

After studying the client’s request and agreeing on the details, we began executing the plan. Prepare for an exciting journey as we uncover the secrets behind the promotion of Lawrange.

Stage 1: Collection and Clustering of Semantic Core

As mentioned earlier, the website was built from scratch, but at the start of the project, it already had several commercial and informational pages containing technical information and personal data.

Therefore, during the first month of promotion (Phase 1), we began with the collection and clustering of the semantic core.

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The collected semantic core for AA Lawrange

As a result, we achieved:

  1. A broad structure covering 35 commercial pages.
  2. A clear understanding of relevant keywords for promoting the site.

Now that the site structure and keywords were defined, we aligned the client’s priorities with ours and assessed potential challenges in the promotion process. We were then ready to move on to the next stage – technical optimization.

Stage 2: On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization of Lawrange’s pages was carried out in 2 steps:

  1. Preparation of a Detailed Brief for the Copywriter.
  2. Analyzed top competitor pages:
  • Studied the keywords for which leading sites rank.
  • Conducted LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) word analysis.

After examining the top search results for target queries, we concluded that:

  1. Many of Lawrange’s competitors had not paid sufficient attention to on-page optimization.
  2. Effective link building would be crucial for achieving top positions for key keywords.

Based on the collected data, we created a brief with specific content requirements, including text structure and volume, keyword and LSI density, text formatting, and other details.

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Example brief for the copywriter

As a result, we created a brief that allowed copywriters to produce content that was not only SEO-optimized but also engaging, useful, and persuasive for Lawrange’s target audience.

Stage 3: Technical Audit

In the third stage, we conducted a comprehensive technical audit of the Lawrange website, which helped identify issues that could negatively affect its performance, indexing, and ranking in search engines.

During the audit, we:

  1. Analyzed the website’s code.
  2. Checked for broken links.
  3. Assessed page load speed.
  4. Reviewed robots.txt and sitemap.xml.
  5. Analyzed the mobile version of the site.

Based on the collected information, our team developed a brief for the initial site optimization. From a technical standpoint, the site was well-constructed, but several critical issues were found. Understanding that programmers do not always have SEO expertise, we described the errors and their solutions in detail.

Issue 1: Incorrect Sitemap URL in robots.txt

This prevented Googlebot from accessing the list of all site pages, and consequently, from crawling and indexing them.

Visualization of the incorrect URL

It was suggested to resolve the issue by specifying the correct URL.

Issue 2: Core Web Vitals Problems

The analysis revealed that the mobile version’s loading speed was in the red zone. The desktop version was slightly better optimized but still in the yellow zone.

Homepage (mobile version)Internal page (desktop version)

For quality indexing and site growth, Google recommends having a performance index in the green zone (90+ points).

To improve these metrics, we advised implementing the corrections suggested by the page tool and taking measures to increase the overall site loading speed.

Issue 3: Incorrect Functioning of the Multi-Level Sitemap

The discovered issue with scanning and indexing pages in the multi-level sitemap prevented Googlebot from crawling other main sitemaps. The cause was traced to incorrect configuration of the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress.

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Result of the scan and indexing check for pages

We saw the solution to the problem in reconfiguring the plugin.

 And this is far from a complete list of issues and errors that were also corrected.

Stage 4: Competitor Analysis

With the semantics established, optimization brief prepared, and technical audit completed, it was time to learn more about the closest competitors, specifically to analyze their backlink profiles to understand how many resources would be needed to move our client to the top of the search results.

In addition to backlink profiles, we also examined growth trends, technical errors, and other factors.

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Competitive website analysis report

Based on the collected data, a promotion plan was developed, which includes the number and type of necessary backlinks, as well as the budget for their acquisition.

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Systematization of calculations

Stage 5: Anchor Plan Formation

This stage marked the beginning of the second phase of promotion, where we developed its strategy and objectives.

 Since the website’s backlink profile is a ranking factor, we create an anchor plan every month.

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Example of an anchor plan section

Next, according to the prepared anchor plan, we order the texts needed for outreach.

Stage 6: Article Placement Agreements

Building a backlink profile is a crucial factor in SEO promotion, but it’s important not just to increase the number of links but to do so wisely. 

Therefore, before agreeing on article placements, our team carefully selects sites based on:

  1. The theme and relevance of the site.
  2. Domain Rating (DR).
  3. Traffic quantity and quality.
  4. Presence of links from authoritative sites.
  5. Cost of placement.
  6. Several other factors that we will not disclose to maintain our competitive advantage.

We then create a crowd plan for placing links on forums to diversify the backlink profile with non-anchor and nofollow links.

Stage 7: Monitoring, Refining, and Expanding the Website

As is well known, the technical condition of a website cannot always remain in perfect shape. Therefore, we regularly monitor this factor and provide technical assignments for refinements if needed.

As part of the planned expansion, we develop a brief for on-page optimization.

Stage 8: Blog Creation

A blog is an excellent way to increase site traffic, boost brand awareness, and attract new leads.

Therefore, we recommended that the client create a blog on the Lawrange website. Our responsibilities included developing the blog’s theme to align with the target audience’s interests and creating a publication plan and brief for the copywriter.

Additional Tasks

  1. Reporting

Although not a stage, reporting is an integral part of SEO promotion that allows for clear visibility of results and evaluation of our work.

Based on this, at the end of each reporting period, we provided a detailed report with the results achieved.

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Example report

  1. Exploring New Opportunities

One of the unique tasks was identifying several new directions that could bring the company even more clients and revenue.

For each of these directions, we conducted a page-by-page analysis, which allowed us to:

  1. Determine the number of backlinks needed to reach the top 10 search results for target queries.
  2. Develop recommendations for building the backlink profile for each direction.
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Example of page-by-page analysis

Results of Collaboration

During the fruitful work, we, together with the client’s team, achieved the goals set at the beginning. Here are the results:

  1. Increase in organic traffic by 267 times: from 8 users per month to 2,136.

  1. Positions for all keywords increased significantly.
+25 queries+71queries+120 queries

* as of January 31, 2023

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  1. Increase in DR from 5 to 30 points due to high-quality link building.

Closing Words

Collaborating with AA Lawrange has been a vivid example of how a well-coordinated team of specialists and effective SEO optimization can lead to remarkable growth in online visibility and an influx of targeted clients. We achieved this in just one year.

As is known, SEO does not deliver immediate results like Google Ads, but its effects do not end when funding stops. Moreover, high rankings for relevant queries significantly increase trust in the website and the company as a whole.

We are confident that AA Lawrange’s website will continue to thrive, attracting more clients and generating increasing revenue for the company.

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Dmytro Kovshun

Dmytro Kovshun is the founder of Luxeo Team – an SEO Outsourcing Company. As a leading specialist in the industry, he is recognized as an expert in SEO promotion of websites. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the field, Dmytro continues to drive success and innovation in SEO strategies, helping businesses achieve their online goals.


6 Burrows Court, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L3 6JZ


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