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When Softformance approached us for SEO optimization, they were not just looking for better Google rankings but for strategic growth that converts visits into leads. Softformance, which develops SaaS solutions and helps startups bring their ideas to life, needed a special approach to attract the target audience in the IT outsourcing niche. In today’s world, IT websites are crucial for accessing information and business development since a website is often the main source of leads. This is especially true for companies working with SaaS startups. Given the high competition, ensuring the visibility and appeal of a website is critical. This case demonstrates how a comprehensive approach to SEO helped increase the number of leads from organic search.

About the Client

Softformance specializes in developing technological solutions for online entrepreneurship, with a focus on SaaS startups. They help companies develop websites to effectively promote their products.


SaaS Development

Promotion Region



Increase the number of leads and traffic


Comprehensive SEO promotion

Test title keys
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Test title keys
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Project Goals

  1. Ranking the website in the TOP for priority keywords.
  2. Increasing the conversion of organic traffic into leads.
  3. Focusing on an audience interested in SaaS solutions for the chemical industry.


  • Traffic: Tripling organic traffic within 6 months.
  • Search Ranking: The number of keywords in the TOP-30 increased from 7 to 49.
  • Lead Conversion: A steady flow of leads from organic traffic was established.
Tripling Organic Traffic and Increasing Keywords in the TOP-30 within 6 Months for an IT Company - 1
Tripling Organic Traffic and Increasing Keywords in the TOP-30 within 6 Months for an IT Company - 2

Identified Problems

Before developing the promotion strategy, our team conducted an in-depth technical audit of the Softformance website. The analysis revealed several critical issues that required immediate intervention.

One of the main gaps was the incorrect configuration of the XML sitemap, which could seriously affect page indexing by search engines. This created obstacles for proper site ranking and visibility on the internet.

Another significant problem was the site’s non-optimization for display on different types of devices. In the desktop version, all page content was centered, leaving a significant part of the page unused.

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Tripling Organic Traffic and Increasing Keywords in the TOP-30 within 6 Months for an IT Company - 4

We also discovered a large number of duplicate pages, which could worsen the site’s ranking since search engines perceived such content as non-unique. This also required immediate resolution as it affected the site’s SEO effectiveness.

Errors in the robots.txt file were found, restricting search engine access to important pages of the site. This could seriously impact the indexing of important content and, consequently, the site’s ranking in search engines.

Additionally, our audit revealed an issue with insufficient page loading speed, which worsened the overall user experience and could reduce conversion rates. Page load speed is an important factor in attracting and retaining users on the site. Below are the data at the start of the work for the mobile and desktop versions of the site.

Mobile versionDesktop version

How We Built the Site Promotion Process

To achieve the set goals, our team performed a series of actions aimed at improving the SEO metrics of the Softformance site.

Technical Audit and Internal Optimization

Immediately after identifying the issues, we created detailed documents with recommendations for improvements and fixing technical problems. The recommended changes included optimizing page load speed, removing duplicate content, and correcting the robots.txt file. The XML sitemap settings were also adjusted to ensure proper page indexing. These measures significantly improved the technical foundation of the site, contributing to its better ranking.

Competitor Analysis

The first step in the site optimization process was competitor analysis. We conducted market research of IT services, highlighting the main players and studying their strategies and approaches. We examined page structures, types of content, and main link parameters. This analysis determined our next steps and helped form an effective promotion strategy.

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Semantic Core Collection

After analyzing competitors, we proceeded to collect the semantic core. This process allows us to identify keywords and phrases with the highest potential for project development. We carefully analyze the demand for specific services and products, allowing us to determine the most promising directions.

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While working with a client focused on the chemical industry, we concentrated on collecting a semantic core aimed specifically in this direction. By analyzing the chemical industry, we identified the most relevant key topics and queries, which helped effectively create content and optimize pages to achieve better results in search engines.

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Link Building Strategy

When planning the link-building strategy, we considered the number of links needed for promotion by priority clusters. The client was offered three promotion options, from which we chose the optimal strategy and budget. The calculation showed that to achieve the goals, we needed to build at least 180 links within a year.

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Our outreach team carefully selects platforms based on competitor backlink analysis and donor traffic. To achieve quality results, we carefully distribute links, avoiding Google filters and ensuring budget efficiency. This helps increase the domain’s authority, raise its recognition, and attract new converting users.

Optimization of Service Pages

After agreeing on the promotion plan with the client, we provided recommendations for optimizing existing landing pages on the site and started creating new pages that match the client’s business. Each new landing page topic was carefully selected to maximize relevant traffic in the future.

During our work, we carefully track the progress of each page we created, as competitors are also active, and this affects search engine ranking. Over time, we noticed that some of our texts were “borrowed,” so we decided to change some key phrases on the pages. It’s important to understand that search engine results often change, and sometimes commercial pages need to be merged, while new clusters may also appear. Creating a site structure once and forgetting about it is an approach that will not lead to long-term results. For example, at this stage, we decided to create a block of spin pages called “Services for Industry.” This will help increase the site’s weight, which positively impacts its promotion.

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An effective blog attracts target traffic and converts it into leads. We help clients develop content plans and recommendations for improving demand. After analyzing the Softformance.com blog, we optimized the existing articles and decided to post at least two new articles monthly to generate traffic. 

When choosing topics and formulating technical tasks, we are guided by the main queries in search engines, consult with the client, and analyze keywords and LSI.

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Our comprehensive approach to SEO optimization of the Softformance site not only met expectations but exceeded them. Thanks to thorough technical analysis, strategic link building, and content optimization, we achieved significant results. Fixing critical errors and optimizing page load speed ensured better ranking and faster indexing.

Within 6 months, the number of organic users almost tripled, reaching 1,565 users. The number of keywords in the TOP-30 increased from 7 to 49, significantly enhancing the site’s visibility. Content optimization and effective link building led to a steady flow of leads from organic traffic.

Our actions not only improved the site’s positions in search engines but also significantly enhanced the user experience, which is critical for retaining customers. By continuing to adapt our methods to algorithm changes and market needs, we ensure sustainable development for Softformance in the digital space. This case confirms that with the right approach to SEO, impressive results can be achieved even in highly competitive industries.

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Dmytro Kovshun

Dmytro Kovshun is the founder of Luxeo Team – an SEO Outsourcing Company. As a leading specialist in the industry, he is recognized as an expert in SEO promotion of websites. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the field, Dmytro continues to drive success and innovation in SEO strategies, helping businesses achieve their online goals.


6 Burrows Court, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L3 6JZ


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