Table of Contents

Who is our client?

DataArt is an international software development company with over 25 years of experience. Its services cover the entire spectrum of design, implementation, testing, integration, modernization, and support of custom software systems.

The clients of DataArt include such popular companies as: Nasdaq, Ocado Technology, Skyscanner, Meetup, Betfair, Zesty, Apple Leisure Group, and others.

The client contacted us in December 2020 with a request to audit the website and prepare a promotion strategy to multiply the number of leads.


IT services

Region of promotion

USA, Europe, Latin America


Be at the TOP in priority areas


Comprehensive SEO promotion

Client’s Goal

  • Be at the TOP of priority queries
  • Increase organic traffic to the website
  • Get quality leads from this traffic kind

Project Implementation Team

For this project, we assembled the following in-house team:

  • project manager,
  • IT team leader,
  • SEO expert,
  • link builders,
  • copywriters.

Work Results

During the promotion, the number of keywords in the TOP 10 increased by 16 times.

Start of the project, keywords in the TOP:

Top 1 – 1 keywords 

Top 5 – 3 keywords 

Top 10 – 5 keywords

On 09/02/2023, keywords in the TOP:

Top 1 – 5 keywords 

Top 5 – 43 keywords 

Top 10 – 82 keywords 

What Did Our Team Do to Achieve the Goal?

Website Technical Audit

In general, the website has good technical optimization. However, our team found several critical problems, namely:

Open External Links

Problem: on the website, we found external URLs open for indexing by search engines. Placing external links to non-authoritative resources reduces the “weight” of our page.

Solution: adding the rel=”nofollow” tag to links to external resources (example: < a href=”…” rel=”nofollow” >…< /a >).

Restoring Lost Link Mass

Problem: we found external links to the dataart.com website. They lead to non-existent pages on the website (404 response code).

Solution: setting up 301 redirects from old internal pages (which no longer exist) to existing pages on the website.

Optimization of Website Page Loading Speed

Problem: the website has a slow page loading speed.

Home page of the website, mobile version

Services and Technology pages, mobile version

Solution: implementing the changes proposed on the verification page, as well as taking measures to increase the loading speed of the website as a whole.

Test tool: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ 

Website Optimization for Mobile Devices

Problem: mobile optimization errors were found for /services-and-technology/ pages. The search bot cannot load all the resources on the page (styles, images, scripts), so it does not correctly see the mobile version of the page.

Solution: fixing the loading of elements on the page so that all of them are optimized for the main resolutions of mobile devices.

It affects how Google sees and processes the page, which in turn affects the ranking of the page because Google considers mobile content to be a priority nowadays.

Collection and Clustering of  Semantics

At the beginning of the promotion, there were only service pages on the website. To drive more traffic and leads, our team recommended creating a blog.

The client accepted the offer, and we started searching for relevant, low-competitive topics and collecting  semantics for them.

When searching for blog topics, we found growth points in the form of the possibility of creating service pages and industry pages and offered this to the client.

As a result, it became possible to expand the structure by another 11 service pages and 8 industry pages.

Analysis of the Link Profile of Competitors

For each request cluster, we analyzed the link profile of competitors considering priorities. Based on this, a promotion strategy was formed.

Preparing Terms of Reference for On-page Optimization

Following the priorities agreed with the client, we prepared the terms of reference for writing blog articles and on-page optimization.

When making the terms of reference, we took the TOP competitors in the search results and analyzed the number of occurrences of keywords and LSI. During the analysis, we saw that many competitors have well-developed on-page optimization, so it could be difficult to get a boost due to content factors, and the whole “battle” would be focused on SEO.

Conclusion on the first part of the work: technically, the website worked well, but we identified a number of critical errors, correcting which, we got a good increase in search positions. The collected semantics allowed us to develop a broader website structure and an understanding of how much traffic the website’s blog can bring. We made a cluster-by-cluster calculation of the necessary costs for links to raise blog and service pages to the TOP.

Link Building

Based on the analysis of link building from the client and competitors, we prepared an anchor plan and a crowd plan to order the necessary texts for outreach. Outreach is one of the methods of getting backlinks in link building. It’s essential to search for authoritative websites that can post an article with a link to the client’s website to improve positions in organic queries and attract referral traffic.

An example of an anchor plan:

Having the anchor plan, we contact the webmasters of trusted websites and agree on publishing articles with backlinks.

We also prepared TOR for crowd marketing for placing links to the pages of the client’s website on trusted and visited forums, as well as social platforms with the client’s target audience.

Crowd Marketing means posting no-follow links on profiles and forums to dilute the links with the do-follow option to avoid sanctions from Google.

Example TOR of crowd-marketing:

Our team constantly monitors posted links, as sometimes unscrupulous webmasters can remove links or an article. To do this, we use a special backlink monitoring tool:

If we find a missing link or article from one of the websites, we send a request for a refund.

Also, our specialists monitor the state of the website and prepare terms of reference for website improvements, if necessary.

As part of the promotion plan, we draw up terms of reference for on-page optimization to expand the commercial structure and, if necessary, write blog articles:

The Result of Our Work

Thanks to the productive work of our team and the client’s team, we managed to achieve the following results:

During the promotion, the number of requests at the TOP 10 increased by 16 times.

On 12/24/2020, keywords in the TOP:

Top 1 – 1 keyword

Top 5 – 3 keywords

Top 10 – 5 keywords

On 09/02/2023, keywords in the TOP:

Top 1 – 5 Keywords

Top 5 – 43 keywords

Top 10 – 82 keywords

The results of position growth by key clusters for the client are presented on the screens below:


The main task of our company is to help you get positions at the TOP of Google search results and increase leads.

As a result of the well-coordinated work of our team and the Dataart team, we managed to achieve decent results in promotion, achieve the client’s goals, and increase the flow of incoming leads from the organic traffic channel.

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Dmytro Kovshun

Dmytro Kovshun is the founder of Luxeo Team – an SEO Outsourcing Company. As a leading specialist in the industry, he is recognized as an expert in SEO promotion of websites. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the field, Dmytro continues to drive success and innovation in SEO strategies, helping businesses achieve their online goals.




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