Table of Contents

About the client

Langate Software – is a software development company specialising in Healthcare and Enterprise applications for the US market.

The company creates solutions for healthcare, pharma and large Fortune 500 companies.


IT-Outsource, Healthcare, HealthTech

Promotion Region

United States


US search positions:
(from February 6 to April 8)

  • TOP-1:

    from 0 to4+4

  • TOP-3:

    from 2 to18+16 (9-fold increase)

  • TOP-5:

    from 3 to27+24 (9-fold increase)

  • TOP-10:

    from 10 to47+37 (5-fold increase)

These results made possible by quality link building.

In 2 months, 26 links were placed with an average DR of 60.
Which also increased the client’s DR by 17%.

DR (or Domain Rating) – a metric from Ahrefs, the best link analyser, helps to determine the strength of a website’s backlink profile and compare it to other sites.

We predict even greater growth in website positions and a 10% increase in traffic after the client implements our recommendations for on-page optimisation of their website.

Rising to Google’s TOP-1 in 2 Months in the Healthcare IT Outsourcing niche in the US - 1

What kind of problem did the client have?

Langate Software approached us for consulting on SEO promotion of their website. The client had already engaged in linkbuilding earlier, but it did not bring the desired results – the site did not get ranked in the top Google results and did not attract the desired amount of traffic. Below we will describe in detail the main reason for the ineffectiveness of the previous strategy.

Also among the client’s goals:

  • Increasing the number of service and blog pages on the site
  • Improve and increase the link profile of their site
  • Increase in leads from the site

The client’s fields of work include a highly competitive and narrow niche – Healthcare IT-Outsource in the US markets. The main competitors stand in high positions and are far ahead of our client.

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We have faced similar cases many times in the past and have developed strategies to deal with them:

In this case, it is important to separate from competitors and work on narrow, most relevant to the business queries.

Also one of the obstacles is the unpreparedness of the client’s resource for full on-page optimisation, which is a key point in both site promotion and traffic growth. Therefore, we focused on those resources that are already available and strengthened them. Thanks to the experience of our team in quality linkbuilding, we were able to bring the company to the TOP-1 of Google ranking in just 2 months.

Our approach

We always start with an in-depth technical audit of the site and make recommendations for improvement.

In the case of Langate, we identified performance drops in site optimisation and hence site load speeds.
These metrics directly affect ranking and traffic, Google research shows that 53% of users will close a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
We put together a detailed plan to improve these metrics and handed it over to the client for implementation.

Next, we gathered semantics, focusing on the priority areas for the client:

Rising to Google’s TOP-1 in 2 Months in the Healthcare IT Outsourcing niche in the US - 3

Then we worked out a strategy for internal optimisation of priority pages of a site and sent them to production. At the moment, we are planning to work out detailed on-page optimisation for 14 pages.

With the main points ready, we built the link strategy and analysed the client’s previous experience. Thanks to the analysis, we identified the main reason why the previous link building strategy was ineffective:

Unsystematic link building on resources with low DR. 

One of the most important points of successful link building is regularity.
If you look at a client’s competitors, you will see that on average they have about 2217 links, such results are not built in one month and require long-term strategy planning and a monthly linkbuilding budget.

If you neglect this, and immediately build a huge number of links, you can do a severe damage to the site, even to get shadow banned (Google can reduce the ranking of the site and limit its traffic).
We always take into account these aspects and minimise possible risks.

It is also essential to consider the quality of donor sites for link building, they should not only be relevant to the client’s niches, but also generally meet the criteria of resource quality and have a high DR.

We have developed a checklist to ensure that we always choose donors of the highest quality:

  • Dynamics of traffic growth;
  • Traffic value;
  • Which pages of the site the traffic goes to;
  • The ratio of incoming and outgoing links of the site;
  • Quality of donors referring to the site.

Based on all the data received from a client, we have built a further strategy and action plan for both the link building and for the development and enrichment of his website.

Currently, we have already ranked all relevant pages of the site in TOP of Google results and we are expecting the client to implement 14 new pages.

Results and further strategy

In just 2 months we ranked the Langate site in TOP-1 for 4 search results, strengthening their positions. In addition, we increased the number of search results in TOP-3 and TOP-5 by 9 times.

To ensure that the top search results remain on their positions and do not drop, we carry out weekly analyses of the performance and adjust the strategy accordingly.

In the further plans – implementation of on-page optimisation strategy, and systematic promotion of the rest of the Langate scope of services in order to increase traffic on the site. By the end of the year, we forecast a 2-fold increase in traffic.

Although we always warn our clients not to expect quick and immediate results in SEO promotion, this experience was a pleasant confirmation of our expertise in link building.

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    Dmytro Kovshun

    Dmytro Kovshun is the founder of Luxeo Team – an SEO Outsourcing Company. As a leading specialist in the industry, he is recognized as an expert in SEO promotion of websites. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the field, Dmytro continues to drive success and innovation in SEO strategies, helping businesses achieve their online goals.


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